Thursday, January 6, 2011

Be the Expert

Educate yourself, and seek out those worthy of learning from.

 The importance of original sources

The Constitution of the United States
If you are to be a responsible guardian of truth you must educate yourself. No one news agency will give you the whole truth about anything, especially when it comes to politics. If you want your elected officials to follow the Constitution then you must know the constitution. If you want Congress and the Senate to read the bills before voting on them then you need to at least become familiar with the bills. If you want Congress to control their spending then you need to first know what they are spending your hard earned money on so that you can challenge them on it. In your quest for knowledge you should learn as much as you can from original sources. An interpretation of an original source will only tell you what someone else wants you to think, not the truth as it was intended. I challenge you to learn the Constitution of our United States. Don’t just read it once and sit it down, but read it regularly and thoroughly until it is branded into your mind. Once you have learned the Constitution I further challenge you to become a watchdog for our country. Make sure our political leaders have their feet held to the fire any time they try to interpret the Constitution to fit their own agenda.    

Ideas about where to start

It is often easier to know you should do something than knowing where to start. I know in my life there are countless examples of where I gave up early on because I didn't have any direction. There are many other times in my life though where I was blessed with someone who took me under their wing and lead me a bit of the way. I've learned in life that finding those worthy of learning from isn't all that difficult. Most people with good things to teach only need be asked. With that said I have provided a list of links below for you to start with. This is a starting point and nothing more. What really matters is where you go from here. 
Inspiration from my past

Declaration of Independence
I'll never forget the first time I read our Declaration of Independence. I was 27 years old. I had been thinking about some of the more pressing political issues of the time and where we were headed as a nation. I figured if I was to understand where we were going I should start at the beginning and see how we got here. With that idea in my mind I went online, did a quick Google search and clicked on the first result that said PDF. Sitting there reading our most sacred founding document I began to get angry. I was angry at the school system for not making me read this before. I was angry at my parents for forgetting to make sure I knew why we really celebrate the Fourth of July. But I was mostly angry at myself for waiting until I was almost 30 before taking the initiative to read our Declaration of Independence. I always thought I was a patriot but now I knew what a real patriot was. I didn't stop with our Declaration of Independence, and I hope you won't stop at the end of this paragraph.

Feel free to leave a comment or two about your ideas on what it takes to be worthy of being learned from and how such people have touched your life.     

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right. It can be very hard to find a mentor who you can trust. Aspecialy when it comes to political maters. How would you suggest that we go about finding a good mentor?